Friday, November 26, 2010

The Millionaire Mind & Financial Freedom Intensive Seminar

A Millionaire Mind Is More Beautiful Than An Idle Mind Any Day!

The Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar

If you've ever gone to a Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, you know how amazing they are.  You get so much from it, you can't even imagine until you attend one yourself.  The Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar is totally positive, uplifting and inspiring!  Do you need support in your life?  This is the one place to get that peace of mind knowing that you have someone to back you up so you can move forward.  The lessons learned are imbeded into your psyche so that you start living the way you were meant to live, think and be.  This is a new and better Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, it's an FFI, Financial Freedom Intensive. 
Be there!

Click here to register now!

The Millionaire Mind TeleSeminar
Of course, I highly receommend attending a live Millionaire Mind Financial Freedom Seminar with other like minded individuals but if you can't make it there, then register for the teleseminar.  It's the next best thing.

Click here to register now!

The Millionaire Mind Message

Also, you can receive a message every week from T. Harv Eker,
best selling author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind himself to inspire you and give you really great
information about how to get rich.

Click here to register now!

Purchase Books and Audios

You may purchase the books and audios simply by clicking on the picture of your choice to the right.

Laser Hair Removal, Skin Tightening, Skin Rejuvenation 30% OFF

Laser Hair Removal


Whether it's on your face or body, unwanted hair makes you feel dirty and unkept.  Get rid of unwanted, stubbly hair with the latest technology in laser hair removal.  We use Elos technology which uses radio frequency and laser together, targeting the hardest hair to remove.  We can do any skin type and hair type.  Virtually painless.  Great results done by expert technicians with years of experience.  Up to 60% reduction in the first treatment. 

Discover the Magic of elōs

> Superior Safety and Efficacy.

elōs is the first and only technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of bi-polar radio frequency (RF) and optical energy (either laser or light). Developed by IPL inventor/patent-holder Dr. Shimon Eckhouse and master physicist, Dr. Michael Kreindel.  This revolutionary technology platform effectively overcomes the safety and procedural limitations of intense pulse light (IPL) and conventional lasers.
  The elōs Difference

RF, a highly controllable energy heat source, works synergistically with optical energy

  • Enables use of light energy at a level that is safe for all skin types (less optical energy compared to conventional lasers and IPLs)
  • Poses no additional risk to the epidermis
  • Precisely targets areas “preheated” by optical energy and avoids cool areas
  • Provides enhanced penetration for improved treatment results

Discover the Beauty of elōs Laser Hair Removal    > Safe. Effective. Gentle.

Say goodbye to unwanted facial and body hair.

elōs™ Hair Removal is effective for most hair colors and all skin types. Treatment areas include: upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck, breasts, stomach, arms, shoulders, bikini area, legs, and back.

Using the revolutionary elōs Technology, combination of light/laser and bi-polar radio frequency, elōs Hair Removal safely and effectively treats for hair removal. The target is preheated by using optical energy, which creates a thermal path on which the bi-polar radio frequency (RF) travels. RF is delivered directly to the hair follicle, which can not further conduct RF. The build up of current density, results in the hair follicle being terminally disabled and denatured.

elōs Laser Hair Removal is setting new standards of speed, safety, and efficacy in hair removal on all skin tones.

Laser Skin Tightening

The ReFirme Laser Skin Tightening procedure, via wrinkle reduction, features revolutionary elos technology that enables you to comfortably achieve a more youthful, tightened and lifted appearance without enduring downtime.
We're proud to offer elos, the first and only technology that uses combined energies to effectively and glently tighten your skin.  Elos is truy the next generation of safe and effective skin tightening technology.
How does ReFirme Laser Skin Tightening work?
The combined Bi-polar Radio Freqency and Light energies of elos technology precisely heat the dermal tissue within the largest treatment area.  This stimulates collagen production and produces a firming effect in lax skin.  Fine wrinkles are reduced, noticeable lifting can be observed and the texture of your skin becomes more smooth and elastic.
Is ReFirme Skin Tightening right for me?
Elos technology enables ReFirme Skin Tightening to be a safe and effective solution for all skin types.
When can I expect to see results?
Most patients see gradual and cumlative results throughout the ReFirme Skin Tightening treatments.  The total number of required treatment sessions depends on your skin's condition.  Schedule a consultation to esbalish your personalized treatment schedule.
Does it hurt?
ReFirme is a gentle, confortable treatment requiring no downtime.  Many patients return to normal activities immediately after the treatment.  Cooling of the skin's surface provides enhanced patient safety and additional comfort.
How much does it cost?
Treatment costs vary.  Schedule a personalized consultation for more details.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Clear beautiful skin is in demand, and effectively treating superficial and benign vascular and pigmented lesions — including Telangiectasias, Rosacea, Poikiloderma and Angioma — has never been easier. Powered by Elos Technology, laser skin rejuvenation systems deliver remarkable results.

How does skin rejuvenation with elōs™ laser technology work?

The laser uses focused light and bi-polar radio frequency energies to restore skin to a more youthful state. Brown spots (pigmented imperfections) from sun damage and aging, red blotchiness from spider vessels or rosacea (vascular imperfections), and uneven skin texture will improve over a treatment series.

What results can one expect from the laser treatment?

Each laser treatment will result in gradual lightening and improvement of pigmented and vascular imperfections. Textural improvements are appreciated towards the end of the treatment series.

How frequently does one need laser treatments?

Treatments are repeated every month for a total of 5 treatments.

What happens after each laser treatment?

Temporary pinkness in the skin lasts a very short time, and most people return to work or normal activities immediately after treatment. The improvement in pigmented and vascular irregularities can often be appreciated by the time patients return for their next treatment a month later. Brown spots temporarily go darker before they lighten.

What is the average number of treatments for the laser skin rejuvenation?

Photodamaged skin, erythema from Rosacea, Telangiectasias and pigmented lesions typically require 4- 5 treatment sessions. Some resistant vascular and pigmented lesions may require more than 5 sessions to achieve fading or improvement. Fine lines, pore size and superficial depressed scarring may also show noticeable softening after 4- 5 treatment sessions.treatment time.

Is treatment safe?

Treatment is very safe for the skin. There are many advances in the laser skin rejuvenation technology that make it unparalleled for skin safety, without compromising effectiveness for treatment. There are no long term health hazards from light or electric energies used in the laser. It has been used for decades in medicine, surgery, and aesthetics without adversity.

How is the treatment tolerated by the client?

The sensation is often described as “hot pinch” feeling. The sensation only lasts for fraction of a second, and you may feel warmth or tingling sensation for a short time afterward. Most people tolerate treatment without topical anesthetic, but individuals who are more sensitive may prefer to have the skin numbed before treatment.

Who should get Skin Rejuvenation?

Anyone who wants to improve the signs of sun damage and aging in the skin, such as pigmented and vascular irregularities, uneven or rough skin texture. Skin rejuvenation can be done on face, neck, chest, hands, and arms.

Call Charm Salon & Spa and book your No Obligation Consultation Today!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

WBA Dances Under The Stars

Dancing is a beautiful and fun thing to do.  And networking while dancing is the ultimate combo.  What fun we had at this event.  If you're in business and want to join a group to help market your goods and services, then I highly recommend looking into the WBA.

8 Benefits of Regular Acupuncture Visits for Healthy People

You may already know that acupuncture has a long history and does a lot more than provide pain relief. Even so, that still may not explain why you would benefit from regular acupuncture treatments even if you're not feeling sick, didn't just have surgery or weren't in an accident. That's why I've condensed the reasons into eight simple points.
1. Prevention. Because acupuncture balances your body, it helps prevent illnesses before they even think about trying to invade your body in balance.
2. Motivation to get a move on. The absence of disease doesn't mean total health and well-being. When your body is in a state of balanced health you feel great, and that means you are willing, able, and motivated to use your body wisely. Generally couch potatoes got that way either through pain or some habitual life-style choices. A balanced body is the best antidote.
3. Mental balance. Because acupuncture balances the mind, you experience less mental strain. You think more clearly more easily. You can problem-solve and begin to see around curves in the road. What may once have been a roadblock can suddenly become an open highway.
4. Improved habits. That even includes the ones you may have tried unsuccessfully to change in the past. Actually, especially those, because when you feel better you are more likely to want to choose what keeps you feeling good. Life-style modifications that may have been elusive, such as healthy exercise, moderate eating, or meditation may suddenly fall easily into place.
5. Stronger spirits. With regular treatments, your innate good spirits are gently welcomed to come forward. With your spirits working for you, you engage fully in the here and now. You can experience not only well-being and happiness but a brighter perspective on life's challenges.
6. Meeting destiny. With body, mind, and spirit in harmony you are able to finally stop sweating the small stuff and view your life from an eagle's perspective. With this broader view, you can start making the choices that will help you meet and fulfill your destiny.
7. Release blocks. At each treatment the acupuncturist carefully checks your body for blocks and imbalances. These disturbances can be the precursor not only to illnesses, but to unhappiness, depression, wrong decisions and feelings of overwhelm. Removing them is like regularly weeding a garden early enough so that it is not overrun and can bring forth an abundant harvest at the proper time.
8. Subtle healing. Sometimes we experience shock or trauma that we don't even register as such. But our bodies don't lie, and part of an acupuncturist's training is to notice changes in your color, voice, and emotions - to share a few of our secrets. Above all, your pulses tell the acupuncturist a story that may be filled with subtle energy shifts, block or changes that you may not have yet identified.
As you can see, even if you don't feel sick or are not in pain, you have important reasons to seek out acupuncture. It won't turn off the TV for you or get you to the gym, but it will give you the right impulses for leading a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life. The rest is personal choice.
Dr. Alfred Laggner, LAc practices Five Element Acupuncture in his clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He studied Classical Five Element Acupuncture at the Wu Hsing Tao School in Seattle, Washington for five years. His teacher is part of the direct lineage of this healing system. Alfred has helped hundreds of clients regain health, balance and a renewed sense of well-being. You can find out more about his practice at He is an EzineArticles expert author whose articles appear at
Are you looking for an acupunture therapist?  Please call Charm Salon & Spa to book an appointment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Benefits of the Migun Thermal Massage Bed

Migun Thermal Massage Bed System

Is it Magic or Science?
A. It’s Definitely Science.
The amazing effects of acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, and herbs that were once known simply as oriental mysteries have now been validated through numerous clinical tests. Including the U.S., many universities in different countries have now established a brand new discipline of medicine to educate and train Oriental Medical professionals.
Migun Thermal Massage Bed System is the culmination of a new medical era resulting from synergy between Western Medicine and Oriental Medicine. Migun Thermal Massage Bed System is a new concept in health focused massage system that brings the mysteries of Oriental Medicine principals to the forefront through the scientific approach of Western Medicine.


Grounded in the principle that the body can heal itself when the skeletal system is correctly aligned and the nervous system is functioning properly.
Migun Thermal Massage Bed System restores structural integrity and relieves nerve interference by restoring vertebrae alignment with its patented technology.
The acupuncture points are stimulated with finger pressure instead of with insertion of needles.
Using an individual’s own body weight, the Migun Thermal Massage Bed System applies acupressure effect by temporarily blocking the circulation of Qi. The release jump starts Qi movement and flushes out the toxins.
Heat Therapy (Moxibustion)
The general purpose of a heat treatment is to increase the extensibility of soft tissues, remove toxins from cells, enhance blood flow, increase function of the tissue cells, encourage muscle relaxation, and help relieve pain.
Grounded in the principle that good health depends on the proper flow of a vital energy called Qi. The stimulation to the specific point of the body recharges life force and brings proper balance.

Migun’s patented technology, the combination of helium gas light bulbs and jade massage heads, forms far-infrared rays that stimulate acupuncture points up to 7cm deep into the body.
Research shows that simple kneading and stroking of a good massage can make a big difference in your mental and physical health. Regular sessions may ease chronic pain, speed recovery from many sports injuries, make your muscles more agile, and improve concentration.
A New Beginning in Better Health & Wellness

Since the Migun Thermal Massage Bed is a Therapeutic treatment, you may be able to claim in on your insurance.  Simply call your insurance company today and send them the information.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nutritional Cleansing

21 Reasons to Cleanse & Replenish by
Becky Natrajan,M.D.
1.Strengthen the Immune System. Cleansing impurities and flooding the body with high grade essential nutrients strengthens the immune system. Some studies indicate that a healthy dose of high grade, absorbable protein will strengthen your immune system by as much as 500%
2. Love Your Liver. A clean, healthy liver supports metabolism and burns fat. A healthy liver promotes normal thyroid function and when the thyroid is healthy, your metabolism and energy levels
3. Support Healthy Brain Chemistry. When your body can effectively absorb and digest fats and protein, it converts these nutrients into healthy brain chemicals. When your brain chemistry is
aligned, you will make healthier food selections.
4. Restore Antioxidants. Toxic compounds create "free radicals" that have the potential to damage cellular DNA-thus leading to cancer, weakened immune systems and accelerated aging.
Antioxidants are substances that block free radical formation and destroy already formed free radicals.
5. Free yourself from stress. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are used to help the body "adapt" to imbalances that stress the body externally or internally. Replenishing the body's needed adaptogens
assists in the body's own self-regulatory systems, thus reducing stress.
6. Maximize Absorption of Essential Nutrients. Maximizing absorption of nutrients helps to fuel the internal body to support all major organ systems including the circulatory, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems.
7. Aid Digestion. Herbs such as suma, peppermint, fennel seed, and licorice have been used in many cultures to support and aid in digestion. Peppermint is a nontoxic digestive remedy that can
provide relief from gas, bloating, nausea, and gastric upset. Peppermint has a calming effect on the smooth muscle of the intestinal tract and is felt to promote the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the small bowel, thus aiding in the digestion of fats.
8. Rejuvenate Your Cells with Ionic Minerals. Minerals are the key to enzyme activation in our digestive tract. When minerals are present, our intestines allow for ultimate absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Ionic (charged) minerals are the most easily absorbed by our body.
9. Support Your Vital Organs.  If your body is overwhelmed with impurities, gentle cleansing herbs and essential nutrients will allow it to eliminate toxins through the liver (the major detoxifying organ of the body), colon, urinary tract, sweat glands, skin pores, and the lymphatic system much more effectively.
10. Lose Weight and Feel Great. Studies have shown that fat cells provide the perfect environment for holding onto toxins. This is our body's natural mechanism for protecting itself from
dangerous, often deadly toxins. Cleansing aids in the body's ability to flush fat and increase metabolism.
11. Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings. The healthy body will crave healthy things. The unhealthy body will crave unhealthy things. Cleansing and replenishing allows the internal body to create an
environment that craves good, nutritious food.
12. Enhance Cellular Communication. Our cells want two things: good nutrients and a clean environment in which to communicate. Cleansing provides our cells with both.
13. Build Muscle. Cleaning and then replenishing with pharmaceutical grade organic whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids that are the building blocks for the development of lean, dense muscle.
14. Address Diabetes. Type II diabetes is a serious disease that is rampant because of our lifestyles. Effective weight loss and fueling of the body can aid in the body's ability to restore normal
sugar levels.
15. Beautify The Skin. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Cleansing and replenishing rejuvenates our skin, making us appear younger and more supple.
16. Create Abundant Energy. Better sleep cycles, achieved through cleansing, provide the body with stamina, energy, and mental clarity throughout the waking hours.
17. Balance Your Hormonal System. Cleansing and replenishing balances hormone levels, leading to a feeling of constant well being, increased stamina and increased sexual desire.
18. Slow the Effects of Aging. Toxins and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging on an internal and external level. Cleansing and replenishing allows our cells the ability to attach the affects of aging head on. A younger appearance along with incredible energy is often the result!
19. Address Cancer. Researchers suggest that approximately 90,000 cancer deaths may be related to obesity and are therefore, preventable. For almost all cancers, the risk of death increases coincident with body mass increases. Cleansing and replenishing often results in significant weight loss and, thus can reduce the risk of cancer.
20. Enhance Elimination. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, lack of exercise, dehydration, and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to an irritable bowel and to sluggish elimination from the intestinal tract. Cellular cleansing and replenishing with fiber rich nutrients allows for better colonic elimination of impurities and is essential in the prevention of intestinal disorders.
21. Never Diet Again! Cleansing and refueling the body is an "anti-diet" approach to optimal health and weight manangement. "Diets" are often imbalanced and neither strengthen the immune system nor rid the body of toxins. Imbalanced diets rob the body of essential nutrients and only offer temporary results. Why not embrace a program that gives the body the right nutrients, the
right balance, and the ability to once and for all chronically defend itself against the battle of the bulge?

Charm Salon & Spa