Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Everything Starts With The Mind

Everything starts with the mind.

Your mind is a powerful and beauttiful thing.  If you know how to use it to your advantage, you can have anything you want in life.  Learn how to take charge of your life by learning how your mind works and anything can be possible.  The truth is, all thoughts lead ro your reality.  This is a scientific fact.  It has been proven to be true.  This has been used & tested  by thousands of people.  By using your mind to attain what you want in life is the starting point of any successful dream or wish.  What are the steps to creating the life you dream of?  Read a few simple things you must do in order to be who you want to be, look how you want to look and have the things you always wished for. 

It could be to look & feel younger, to have more money or to retire early.  Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, you must first see it as if it has already happened.  Write it down in the present tense when you speak it out loud.  It can be anything you want.  Lets take weight loss as an example.  Get several pieces of paper and write, 'I weigh _____ and fill in the blank with the number that you would like to see on the scale.   Place these pieces of paper everywhere in the house.  On the bathroom mirror, on the fridge and on all the doors especially your bedroom so that you can see it first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.  You can even put one in your wallet.  The more often you see it, the better it will be imbedded into your brain.


If you can imagine yourself as being thin, then what you picture will become your reality.  Your mind cannot differentiate between fiction and fact, so by picturing yourself a certain way will everntually retrain your brain into making you that way.  When you do meditate, you must not only see yourself as being thin but you must also use all your senses if you can.  How do you feel being skinny?  What do you hear, smell or taste being in this different state?  Do you picture yourself at a party where all your friends are complimenting you on how great you look?  All the while, choosing to eat foods that are better for you? How does that food taste?  Maybe drinking non-alcoholic beverages so that you don't add more calories or just plain water?  All these things matter in making your mind believe that you are actually thin in reality.

Listen to Motivational CDs

Everyone needs a little motivation once in a while.  Some of us most of the time!  Since our mind is full of negative thoughts, it will find us every excuse in the book not to do what we have good intentions on doing.  This leads us to sabbotage our own success.  In order to stay on track, it is advisable to listen to a recording of a coach or motivator who can help to pick us up and kick us into gear so that we reach our set goals.  Just imagine how much we could've gotten done or how far we could've been if only we had someone yelling at us every day!  Oh, could'a, shoul'a, would'a!  It's never too late.  And, with a cd or mp3, you can listen to it any time you want.  What convenience!  No more excuses.
Take your before picture. 

By taking your picture, you have a starting point.  It will help to motivate you to achieve your goal of losing weight.  You will be more encouraged to losing more weight after you see the difference.  Pictures speak volumes.  Sometimes we don't see it or believe it without a picture.  Take pictures of yourself in tight clothing from the front, sides and back and then again every 2 weeks.  You'll be surprised as to what a difference a few pounds can make!  Get a picture of a person who you would like to look like and put your face on it.  By doing so, it will help you to visualize yourself as that person.  Your mind will actually think that it is you in that body.  By doing so, you will shed pounds without as much effort.  Once you have the measurements and pictures, you have a starting point which will give you more staying power to see things through.  You will be motivated and have a positive idea of how you would like to look and feel. 

These mind excersices can be used for anything that you desire.  Simply change the focus and start applying the techniques.  You will be pleasantly surprised as to how much easier things are to manifest once you dream and believe you already have what you're looking for.  Of course, it doesn't stop there, you must actually take massive action in order to achieve that specific goal, but starting with visualization and meditation is definately a good place to begin the transformation.

Good luck and lets see some pictures.  Let me know how you did.  I would love to see & hear your results!

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